It talks about ambiguous pronouns, as in: "I spread the cloth on the table in order to protect it".
Brief history of NLP
Since the mid twentieth century, promoters of Natural Language Processing (NLP) have been oscillating between excessive optimism and unjustified low profile. During the ‘Cold War’, large amounts of money were invested in automatic translation, with poor results. Word for word translations led to funny results, such as the oft cited example "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" (from Christian literature): when translated into Russian and then back to English, it read: "The vodka is good, but the meat is rotten." Obviously, the semantic content was ignored in the process.
?- eliza. Eliza: Oui, vous pouvez tout me dire ! |: j'aime bien faire du python Eliza: alors vous ne savez pas programmer |: mais aussi du prolog Eliza: alors vous savez programmer |: oui Eliza: c est un peu court |: je ne suis pas du genre a parler Eliza: pourquoi n etes vous pas du genre a parler |: mon pere non plus n'etait pas du genre a parler Eliza: dites m en plus sur votre pere |: non Eliza: vous etes bien negatif |: mouais Eliza: vous n etes pas bavard |: c'est pas grave Eliza: hmmm |: c'est pas grave du tout Eliza: je ne vous suis pas tres bien |: c'est pas grave du tout Eliza: n importe quoi |: bonsoir Eliza: merci
In the sixties, Joseph Weizenbaum wrote an incredible programme, Eliza, which can be called the first chatterbot. Eliza mimicked a psychotherapist. Many anecdotes are told about how naive people used the programme. There are many implementations of Eliza in Prolog. This one is in French.
You may try it by downloading this Eliza program and by executing
You may discuss with Eliza and have the kind of interaction shown here. Remember that this version has less than 20 clauses!Admittedly, Eliza is just (a genial) illusion: in English, it just knows how to make an interrogative from an affirmative, and it makes use of a few lexical associations (user- My brother suggested I should chat with you. Eliza- Tell me more about your family). But keep in mind the limited computing power available at that time.Another milestone was the programme SHRDLU, designed by Terry Winograd also in the sixties. This time, the computer had a real understanding of what it was talking about. Shrdlu was amazing, and contrary to Eliza, it did not cheat about its performance. This programme raised great hopes, and then also great disappointment, as it became clear that the method could not scale up. I had the privilege to meet Winograd at Stanford in 1995. I found him quite pessimistic about our ability to bring computers to process meanings as we do. I don’t share this pessimism. In my view, it results from an overestimate of the complexity of the human mind. Considering the mind as unknowable was an understandable reaction to preceding periods in which it had been regarded either as a simple algorithmic machine or as a mere statistical recorder. This debate between rationalism and empiricism has now subsided (for a time). Understanding the human mind (cognitive science), and in particular its language faculty, now goes through standard scientific modelling activity.Machine translation has made much progress (see this gentle introduction to MT (in French)). Admittedly, general purpose translators such those found on the Web (e.g. Babelfish or Systran), though often quite helpful, cannot yet compare with human translation (see Hofstadter’s clever critique on machine translation). But machine translation may be quite efficient for specialized use: a significant proportion of texts written by the European commission are translated into the many official European languages using automated help.Text generation has known a spectacular illustration recently. IBM project debater is able to generate complex argumentations, and the result is impressive: the program is able to take part in debating contests against humans. NLP (Natural Language Processing) has much broader applications than machine translation. It is also commonly used in text proofing, in speech recognition, in dialogue based applications, in optical character recognition, in text mining, in spam filtering, in text generation, in automatic summarization, in speech synthesis, in computer assisted learning, in database indexing and Web search, etc.In 1968, when Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001: a space odyssey was first seen in theatres, people may have doubted whether human beings would be able to travel to Jupiter by the year 2001; however, few would have regarded the spoken dialogue taking place between the astronauts and their smart computer as unrealistic. Such a feat is now considered by engineers to lie still far ahead. It remains, however, an objective rather than a utopia. Few computer scientists would swear that such machines will not be around by the year 2044.
What’s the problem with natural language automation? My opinion about this is that fundamental discoveries are still required at the semantic level (representation of meaning) to lead to realistic implementations. More on this below.The market for NLP is potentially enormous, due to growing demand (more than $20bn according to certain projections). The explosion of NLP business is regularly announced. The current increase, due to quantitative improvements in processing techniques, is rather promising.
Two different approaches to NLP
Approaches to NLP can be split in two categories:
Symbolic approaches, based on grammars, ontologies, feature structures, unification, logic, cognition ➜SD213
Numerical approaches, based on word embedding, machine learning, text mining ➜SD-TSIA214
Two courses (SD213 and SD-TSIA214) are proposed to explore these approaches further (these two courses are exclusive, but they share some lectures).
Levels of processing
Work with linguists led computer scientists to the conviction that language is processed by human beings using several cooperating modules:
Acoustic and phonetic processing: convert audio signal into speech sounds
Phonology: extract phonemes (French has about thirty different phonemes)
Lexicon: recognize words and morphemes
Morphology: recognize the internal structure of words (e.g. in French: ‘revalorisées’ = re-+valeur+-iser+-é+-e)
Semantics: recognise meaning (e.g.: appreciate(marlene,'Kritik der reinen Vernunft'))
Relevance: understand the relevance in context (e.g.: speaker means that Marlene is smarter that her brother John)
Interestingly, processing at each level should be reversible, i.e. serve both analysis and production purposes (linguistic knowledge is not duplicated in the brain). This fact is often overlooked by computer scientists.Each processing level, when implemented on computers, gives rise to technical challenges. The processing indeterminacy creates ambiguity at each level, and to combinatorial explosion when levels are combined. The solution is seemingly obvious: use each processing level to disambiguate the others. Not so easy... Mainly because the semantic level is currently limited to matching with pre-existing logical predicates. Natural language, as used by human beings, is much more powerful than mere pattern matching (except when discourse is bound to limited technical areas). See the section on semantics below.Ongoing progress can be observed every year at each leavel of language processing. NLP is a fantastic adventure, as it lies at the boundaries between cognition, computer science, engineering and language sciences. It is also an exciting enterprise, because it may change our relation to machines.
Definite Clause Grammar
From the very beginning, when Alain Colmerauer and Philippe Roussel conceived it in 1972, Prolog has been designed to facilitate natural language processing at the syntactic level. Prolog implements Context-Free grammars using a special way of writing Prolog clauses, called Definite Clause Grammar (DCG).You might have heard about the different kinds of grammars (if not, make a quick investigation on the Web).
Grammar expressiveness
Compared to regular grammars, context-free grammars are:
Grammar automaton
Which automaton is required to analyze sentences, depending on the type of grammar?
A small grammar
The following example makes the meaning of DCG rather transparent. These clauses are directly interpreted by Prolog.
The context-free grammar is easily recognizable when expressed in DCG form, with non-terminals like s (sentence), np (noun phrase) or vp (verb phrase).
% partial elementary English grammar
% --- grammar s --> np, vp. np --> det, n. % Simple noun phrase np --> np, pp. % Noun phrase + prepositional phrase np --> [kirk]. vp --> v. % Verb phrase, intransitive verb vp --> v, np. % Verb phrase, verb + complement: like X vp --> v, pp. % Verb phrase, verb + indirect complement : think of X vp --> v, np, pp. % Verb phrase, verb + complement + indirect complement : give X to Y vp --> v, pp, pp. % Verb phrase, verb + indirect complement + indirect complement : talk to X about Y pp --> p, np. % prepositional phrase
% -- lexicon det --> [the]; [my]; [her]; [his]; [a]. det --> [some]. n --> [dog]; [daughter]; [son]; [sister]; [aunt]; [neighbour]; [cousin]. v --> [grumbles]; [likes]; [gives]; [talks]; [annoys]; [hates]. v --> [cries]. p --> [of]; [to]. p --> [about].
This grammar can be tested. Execute using SWI-Prolog (usually through the command swipl, sometimes pl, or simply by clicking on a file with extension .pl). At Prolog’s prompt, type in: ?- s([the,daughter,of,the,neighbour,of,the,cousin,hates,her,aunt],[]). true.
?- s([the, daughter,the,of,hates,aunt],[]). false.How does this work?
Each predicate, in a DCG clause, is automatically given two arguments, which represent the lexical input list and the lexical output list. So the DCG clause: a --> b, equivalent to the Prolog clause: a(LexIn,LexOut) :- b(LexIn,LexInt), c(LexInt,LexOut).To verify this, execute the file containing your DCG rules and then type: listing.
If your file contains the clause a --> b, c., then somewhere in the result you should see something like:
a(A, C) :- b(A, B), c(B, C).The Prolog interpreter is kind enough to generate these clauses automatically for us. But we still need to provide the two arguments when using the grammar, as when we call the predicate s (see above).
Text generation
Thanks to Prolog reversibility, the same grammar can be used both for analysis and for generation
(here, the ‘;’ is used to ask for further solutions). ?- s(S,[]). S = [the, dog, grumbles] ; S = [the, dog, likes] ; S = [the, dog, gives] ; S = [the, dog, talks] ; S = [the, dog, annoys] ; S = [the, dog, hates] ; S = [the, dog, cries] ; S = [the, dog, grumbles, the, dog] ; S = [the, dog, grumbles, the, daughter] ; S = [the, dog, grumbles, the, son] ; S = [the, dog, grumbles, the, sister] ; S = [the, dog, grumbles, the, aunt] ; S = [the, dog, grumbles, the, neighbour] ; S = [the, dog, grumbles, the, cousin] ; S = [the, dog, grumbles, my, dog] ; S = [the, dog, grumbles, my, daughter] ; . . .
How many different sentences can be generated by this grammar?
DCGs can be used to detect structural patterns such as palindromes: pal --> c(C), pal, c(C). % central recursion pal --> c(C), c(C). % termination for an even list pal --> c(_). % termination for an odd list
c(C) --> [C], {member(C,[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])}. % Prolog code embedded in DCG using { }
?- pal([3,2,1,2,3], []). true.Note that this programme is not reversible as such, as Prolog attempts to generate an infinite palindrome made only of zeros. But a reordering of the clauses provides the expected behaviour:
?- pal(Pal,[]). Pal = [0] ; Pal = [1] ; Pal = [2] ; Pal = [3] ; . . . Pal = [0, 0] ; Pal = [1, 1] ; Pal = [2, 2] ; Pal = [3, 3] ; . . . Pal = [0, 0, 0] ; Pal = [0, 1, 0] ; Pal = [0, 2, 0] ; . . .
Our small grammar has several flaws from a linguistic perspective. One first defect comes from
the redundancy between the two rules: np --> det, n. np --> det, n, pp.Try to replace the second rule by: np --> det, n. np --> np, pp.A sentence like ?- s([the,daughter,of,the,neighbour,of,the,cousin,hates,her,aunt],[]). still correctly recognized. However, Prolog will enter an endless loop when given an incorrect sentence: ?- s([daughter, the, of, hates, aunt],[]). ERROR: Out of local stack Exception: (1,675,221) np([daughter, the, of, hates, aunt], _4674) ? (press 'a' to abort)
Parser Loop
Why is the new rule faulty (for Prolog’s default parsing)?
Restoring the initial rule:
np --> det, n, pp.
is not very aesthetic, not only because of its redundancy with np --> det, n., but also because it introduces a ternary rule (if we allow for ternary rules, why not n-ary rules?).
One could introduce a new kind of phrase instead, called cnp (complement noun phrase). This solution is not satisfactory either from a linguistic point of view. An alternative way is to change the parsing procedure. The parsing procedure used by Prolog to analyse a sentence using DCG is the standard algorithm for executing Prolog clauses. To answer the query:np([the,dog,of,the,neighbour,of,the,cousin],[]), Prolog tries to match with the first appropriate DCG clause: np --> det, n. It fails because the resulting list is not empty. Then it tries to match with the next rule: np --> det, n, pp., but since Prolog is amnesic, it has to redo the job anew to recognize [the,dog]. Here is the (partial) trace. ?- trace. ?- np([the,dog,of,the,neighbour,of,the,cousin],[]). Call: (6) np([the, dog, of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin], []) ? Call: (7) det([the, dog, of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin], _G6055) ? Exit: (7) det([the, dog, of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin], [dog, of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin]) ? Call: (7) n([dog, of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin], []) ? skip Fail: (7) n([dog, of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin], []) ? Redo: (6) np([the, dog, of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin], []) ? Call: (7) det([the, dog, of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin], _G6055) ? Exit: (7) det([the, dog, of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin], [dog, of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin]) ? Call: (7) n([dog, of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin], _G6055) ? skip Exit: (7) n([dog, of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin], [of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin]) ? Call: (7) pp([of, the, neighbour, of, the, cousin], []) ? . . .This is a top-down method, which proves quite inefficient in most cases, especially for "garden-path sentences", such as "Fat people eat accumulates" (where "fat" is a noun), or "The cotton clothing is usually made of grows in Mississippi." (example in French: "Mme le Maire a marié Paul et Jacques y était."). For a top-down algorithm, most sentences are like "garden-path" sentences, as parsing must backtrack in an amnesic way.
Top-down parsing
The program listed below implements top-down recognition.
It uses a small converter, dcg2rules, that takes a file containing DCG clauses and translates them into mere predicates: rule(...). The top-down recognizer then makes use of these rules to analyse a sentence. % top down recognition
:- consult(''). % DCG to 'rule' converter: gn --> det, n. becomes rule(gn,[det,n]) :- dcg2rules(''). % performs the conversion by asserting rule(gn,[det,n])
go :- tdr([s],[la,soeur,parle,de,sa,cousine]).
tdr(Proto, Words) :- % top-down recognition - Proto = list of non-terminals or words match(Proto, Words, [], []). % Final success. This means that Proto = Words
tdr([X|Proto], Words) :- % top-down recognition. rule(X, RHS), % retrieving a candidate rule that matches X append(RHS, Proto, NewProto), % replacing X by RHS (= right-hand side) nl, write(X),write(' --> '), write(RHS), match(NewProto, Words, NewProto1, NewWords), % see if beginning of NewProto matches beginning of Words tdr(NewProto1, NewWords). % lateral recursive call
% match() eliminates common elements at the front of two lists match([X|L1], [X|L2], R1, R2) :- !, write('\t**** reconnu: '), write(X), match(L1, L2, R1, R2). match(L1, L2, L1, L2).
Top-down parser
Execute tdr on various sentences and observe the amnesic character of the parser.
Replace the rule gn --> det, n, gnp. by the more natural rule gn --> gn, gnp. What are the consequences on tdr’s behaviour?
Bottom-up parsing
To solve this problem, one might consider preferable to start from the actual words rather than from expected structures. This is what the following bottom-up parser does.
:- consult(''). % DCG to 'rule' converter: np --> det, n. becomes rule(gn, [det, n]) :- dcg2rules(''). % performs the conversion by asserting rule(np, [det, n])
bup([s]). % success when one gets s after a sequence of transformations bup(P):- write(P), nl, get0(_), append(Prefix, Rest, P), % P is split into three pieces append(RHS, Suffix, Rest), % P = Prefix + RHS + Suffix (RHS = right-hand side) rule(X, RHS), % bottom up use of rule append(Prefix, [X|Suffix], NEWP), % RHS is replaced by X in P: NEWP = Prefix + X + Suffix bup(NEWP). % lateral recursive call
go :- bup([the, sister, talks, about, her, cousin]).
This program ( uses another file, that reads a DCG file and converts dcg rules into Prolog predicates.Load bup and execute it by typing go. to parse the sentence: the sister talks about her cousin. You have to press [return] repeatedly to see what happens (comment get0 for a smooth execution).
BottomUp Parser (1)
At first, the program rapidly recognizes [s,pp],
and then forgets pp and starts over its recognition,
until it prints [s,pp] one more time. Why is it so?
BottomUp Parser (2)
Why does the program need to undo its recognition of pp after having reached [s,pp]?
BottomUp Parser (3)
Reintroduce the left-recursive clause np --> np, pp. and type go. again.
Does it bring the program to loop endlessly?
BottomUp Parser (4)
(be sure to have restored the program with the left-recursive rule)
Try to recognize an incorrect sentence, such as
bup([the, talks, sister, about, her, cousin]).What happens?
Various parsing methods have been designed to combine the advantages of top-down and bottom-up parsing, and avoid some of their drawbacks. But the obvious way to avoid repeating a dozen times the same analyses consists in storing recognized structures in memory. The ‘chart-parsing method’ implements this principle. The idea consists in storing, for each word of the processed sentence, all the rules that may start from that word, in their current state of processing advancement. Each time a rule with head category H is completed, it is used to update other rules waiting for H to be recognized. Such updated rules span over several words of the input sentence. They can be represented as bridges or edges encompassing a chunk of the sentence. Parsing is successful as soon as such an edge spans over the whole sentence.This method makes use of memory to avoid the devastating effect of amnesic backtracking. All potential structures are competing in a parallel way to contribute to analyzing the actual sentence. The principle of chart parsing can be used in bottom-up methods, as in the CYK algorithm, as well as in top-down methods, as in Earley’s algorithm.
Checking for agreement
It is possible to add arguments in DCG.
You may insert or replace the following rules at appropriate locations in the grammar
to check for number agreement.
Now you can test the new grammar.
?- np(N, [a, dog], [ ]). N = singular. ?- np(N, [many, dogs], [ ]). N = plural. ?- np(N, [many, dog], [ ]). false
Number Agreement (1)
Modify the rule s --> np, vp. to check for subject-verb number agreement.
Number Agreement (2)
Modify the vp --> v... rules to propagate the number feature from v up to vp.
Number Agreement (3)
Check your grammar on:
[the, dog, hates, her, aunt] [the, dogs, hates, her, aunt] [the, dogs, hate, her, aunt]
Pursuing the logic of agreement
We used a feature to check for number agreement. We can augment the number of features to make sure that sentences like mary sleeps or mary talks to peter are accepted whereas mary sleeps to peter is rejected. To do so, one may associate an additional feature to verbs to constrain their argument structure. v(none) --> [sleeps]. % mary sleeps v(transitive) --> [likes]. % mary likes lisa v(intransitive) --> [talks]. % mary talks to lisa
Note: the word ‘transitive’ is used with its sense in linguistics. Transitive verbs have one direct object.
Argument Structure (1)
Augment our little grammar to process argument structure with features: none, transitive, intransitive. Copy the new rules below.
Argument Structure (2)
Indicate the lexical rules for the verb knows that has an optional argument ("she knows"/"she knows Paris").
Argument Structure (3)
Treat the case of the verb talks that may have zero, one or two indirect arguments (mary talks [to peter [about the weather]]) by introducing the feature diintransitive into the grammar. Copy the new (grammatical and lexical) rules below (new rules only).
Semantic features
Features can be used to check for basic semantic compatibility. For instance, mary eats the door is less acceptable than mary eats the apple. Similarly, verbs like think or suffer require a sentient subject.
Semantic Features
Show by modifying a few rules in the grammar how features such as edible or sentient can be used to constrain verb semantics.
(insert new rules only)
Forum: About Semantic Features
Please comment on this use of features to capture semantics (illustrate what you say with examples).
Feature structures
The previous examples accumulated features in words. For instance, a lexical entry like mary would receive features like singular, 3rd person, feminine, sentient, etc. Then, agreement is checked by Prolog through unification. Let us represent feature structures with lists. A first improvement consists in naming the features, for the sake of clarity (I am using Prolog’s predefined operator ‘:').
The Prolog unification system can be used to match feature structures. ?- A = [number:sing, person:3, gender:feminine, sentience:true], B = [number:sing, person:3, gender:G, sentience:S], A = B.
A = [number:sing, person:3, gender:feminine, sentience:true], B = [number:sing, person:3, gender:feminine, sentience:true], G = feminine, S = true.Not only are the two features found to be compatible, but Prolog provides the missing slot values.
Feature Agreement
Rewrite the rules:
s --> np(FS1), vp(FS2). np(FS) --> det(FS), n(FS). vp(FS) --> v(FS).to check for subject-verb agreement using the above feature structures.
Many current NLP systems, such as HPSG (Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar), rely on rich feature structures. Note that mixing syntactic and semantic features is common practice in HPSG, as illustrated in those slides(taken from Bender, E. M., Sag, I.A. & Wasow, T. (2003). Syntactic Theory.).
Variable-length feature structures
A problem arises, as one does not want to systematically mention all the features for each structure (as for gender in our example). A clever trick consists in considering unterminated lists. ?- A = [number:sing, person:3, sentience:true, gender:feminine | _], B = [number:sing, person:3 | _], A = B.
A = [number:sing, person:3, sentience:true, gender:feminine|_G1512], B = [number:sing, person:3, sentience:true, gender:feminine|_G1512].Now the two structures A and B match, although they don’t involve the same number of attributes. This solution only works, however, if uninstantiated features happen to be at the end of the lists. This constraint is not acceptable. We obviously need the order of attributes to be irrelevant, so that the two following structures match. A = [sentience:true, number:sing, person:3, gender:feminine |_] B = [person:3, number:sing | _]This programme should perform the task.
unify(FS, FS) :- !. % Let Prolog do the job if it can
unify([ Feature | R1 ], FS) :- select(Feature, FS, FS1), % checks whether the Feature is in the list !, % the feature has been found unify(R1, FS1).
Test unify on A and B and observe that it is deterministic.
Feature Structure Unification
Rewrite the rule s --> np, vp. to check for subject-verb agreement with unterminated feature structures.
You will need to call unify within the rule. You can do this by inserting Prolog code within brackets { } into the rule (as shown in the palindrome example).
s --> np(FS1), vp(....), {%Prolog code here}.
Does your grammar work?
Further developments
Feature structures can be extended in various ways to process natural language. You will discover them by following the course SD213. These developments include recursive feature structures, procedural semantics (to understand la soeur de jeanne as meaning marlène), and dialogue processing. To process dialogue, one needs to compute attitudes. Understanding attitudes (beliefs, wishes) is central to designing intelligent systems that are able to be relevant.
Maybe you saw the video about sentences that are hard to interprete for computers.
Forum: sentences computers do not understand
What do you think about this problem, in the light of machine learning or parsing techniques?
Forum: Syntactic Parsing
Please comment on the content of this lab session, and more generally on syntactic parsing.